"Gratitude turns what we have into enough" - Unknown

📍La Spezia, Liguria, Italy (one of the most beautiful places on Earth)
I've been seeing this around a lot, and I think there's no better way to reflect on the good things in life, even during the midst of a pandemic. Honestly, sometimes the easiest way to practice self care is to surround yourself with positivity and reminding yourself of everything you're lucky to have is a great way to do so. Here's a list of some things in life that bring me the most joy, with some being my most treasured possessions and others being small things that make me smile. At first, 99 things seemed like a lot (and trust me it took a while), but if you do choose to do this as well, you'll find it easier as you get further down your list.
99 Things I Love
1. Rainbows.
2. My sister. Who entertains me 24/7.
3. Plush stuffed animals.
4. New York City.
5. Campfires.
6. Plane takeoffs.
7. Chocolate ice cream. Love of my life.
8. Complimenting strangers.
9. Tart frozen yogurt.
10. Caramel macchiatos.
11. Succulents.
12. Turning in an assignment.
13. Receiving positive critiques.
14. Laughing so hard it hurts.
15. Taking a walk right after it rains.
16. Going to bed.
17. When someone texts me first.
18. Innocent smiles.
19. Waves of nostalgia.
20. Movies. There's nowhere else where I feel more like I'm in a different world.
21. Roller skating.
22. Vintage vibes.
23. Body positivity. Towards everyone.
24. 100% charged.
25. Saying "Goodnight".
26. Disney songs.
27. Plane landings.
28. Reflecting on good memories.
29. Hugs.
30. Making myself and making others proud.
31. Exploring a new city.
32. Being alone and consumed in thoughts.
33. My family. Nobody I truly love and appreciate more.
34. My best friends. Who I consider my family.
35. Buying new clothes.
36. Laying outside at night and staring at the stars.
37. Baking. There's something unexplainably satisfying about it.
38. China. The food, smells, and family reunions.
39. 0.5 mm pens.
40. Washing my hair.
41. The first day of school.
42. Green grapes.
43. Opening up packages.
44. Accomplishing little things.
45. Finishing a good book.
46. Incoming FaceTime calls.
47. Listening to rain pattering while in bed.
48. "I'm so proud of you."
49. Seeing other people smile.
50. Cracking and whisking eggs.
51. Apple strudel.
52. Having such a good time I forget about all my life problems.
53. Putting on a new outfit in the morning.
54. Closing all your tabs.
55. Music that sends chills down your spine.
56. Airports. There's something unique about the vibe in an airport, no matter what time of day.
57. Scrambled eggs. TBH, used to dislike eggs, but now I strangely have random cravings for scrambled eggs.
58. Driving. #permitlife
59. The children's section of the library.
60. Giving good advice.
61. Christmas Day. Who doesn't?
62. Seeing my relatives after a long time.
63. Spilling tea.
64. Falling asleep in the backseat on a long, nighttime drive.
65. Giving back to my community.
66. Proving someone wrong. Oops.
67. Not being able to fall asleep because I'm excited for something the next day. Vacations, trips, truly the best feeling.
68. The last day of school.
69. London.
70. Subways. The London Underground. The New York Subway.
71. Putting on pajamas after a shower.
72. Making people laugh.
73. Working really hard on something and finally debuting it ;)
74. Women empowerment.
75. Solving a difficult math problem.
76. Cooking.
77. British accents.
78. Adrenaline.
79. Turning in a test. And checking my answers with my friends and realizing I put the right answer.
80. Watching childhood shows/cartoons. Peep and the Big Wide World. Tom and Jerry. Martha Speaks. Curious George. Jessie. Liv and Maddie.
81. Feeling powerful.
82. When people say "thank you".
83. Belts.
84. Babies.
85. The puppy eye emoji.
86. My parents' approval.
87. Walking through the streets of Italy.
88. Laptop stickers.
89. Peking duck.
90. Sleepovers. No matter how old I get, I'll always love them.
91. Getting a good photo.
92. Painting my nails.
93. Actually being productive.
94. Finally understanding a concept.
95. Staying up late talking.
96. Getting ready for an event with my friends.
97. Sunshine.
98. Myself.
99. You.