Small pick-me-ups that we all need.

As we've all been in isolation for months, it can be easy to let ourselves feel down. I know personally, in quarantine, I've spent countless hours just rifling through my thoughts ------- pinpointing things to make me sad.
Often, we think of self-care as a lavish opportunity, one that requires loads of money to go out -----have a fancy spa day or spend hundreds of dollars shopping. But on the contrary, self care can consist of rather simple activities, that still work wonders as well! Here are some small pick-me-ups that are helpful for the times where we all feel a bit down.
Take a Deep Breath
One of the simplest ways to easily improve your mood is to just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax. With your eyes closed, let your brain roam free and give yourself a much-needed mental break. The point is to "use your breath to quiet the mind and relax the body."
Declutter Your Space
Though you might not realize it, often, having a cluttered workspace can increase your stress levels. To boost your mood and to free your mind, its important to maintain a clean physical environment. I found that just taking a few moments to clear my desk allowed me to reinstate a fresh mindset when resuming my work. Take a few minutes to declutter your space and allow yourself more room.
Listen to Music
Simple enough! New research suggests that "even sad music can lift your mood", while other studies show that "music can boost happiness and reduce anxiety." Allow yourself to take a break, sit down and listen to a playlist. While listening, don't try to multitask or do anything else, simply let your mind wander.
Take a Nap
Find a quiet place to take a quick nap. Even if you aren't necessarily tired, studies have found that just laying down can boost your mood as your body relaxes.
Go On a Walk Around the Block
It's old news that exercise can be a great way to make you feel better, so it's no surprise that it's on this list. Although it's true that hardcore exercises or quick runs can definitely improve your mood, even simple exercises like taking a short walk or staying moving around your workspace can easily make you feel better.
I hope this list of small pick-me-ups can help guide you whenever you're feeling a bit down. A last reminder: we're all in this together <3