Featuring the piece, "lavenderblind"
April 16, 2021
One year. Yup, that's right, it's officially been one year since I created my first blog post all the way back in April 2020. Even though I haven't become any mega internet sensation, I can say that creating this blog has been one of my most gratifying experiences. To have every bit and corner of this website be completely designed and written by me has provided me with an amazing way to showcase my personal views about something I'm genuinely passionate about. I'm so grateful for all the people who continuously read my posts ☺ and I can't wait to create more blog posts in the future #year2! With that, I wanted to share this poem I wrote titled "lavenderblind". It's not a perfect piece but it explores the nuances of colors in the world, something I've always been fascinated about (and I hope you'll enjoy!)
olivia fan
the world was lavender, pressed
and pretty. i am beginning to lose my sight.
rings of laughter spiral through the air; tangerine skies
ablaze and my heart whole.
i laugh when i lay my palms to the aging sun and
sweet dew rests kindly on the feathers of my skin.
there is so much i live for;
i left not a waking second to wasted potential,
the world is lavender at my fingertips. i am so
in love with every stroke and shade of this world.
by the time my sister was born, i had lost my touch.
her eyes were ripe with innocence, not yet greyed from the world’s blackened menace.
in this world, i paint with swift strokes of aegean,
but everybody finds delight only in teal.
in this world, a woman chants tunes rich as mocha,
but some think chocolate is too bitter.
in this world, the hands we were gifted can kill.
in this world, the voices we treasured are silenced.
in this world, the colors i fell in love with have turned against me.
i am beginning to lose my
love as glittering euphoria fades into monochrome.
limes invites lust.
hazel means hatred.
daffodil is disowned.
i wonder why the colors in a soul matter less than the colors on a face.
can’t cover our human paint.
i admired the world’s beautiful hues of sage and sangria.
now we lie in ash. swirl
my fingers in a sight that has
lost its lavender.